The internet presents unique opportunities for you to tell your brand story via video. It’s a television commercial that you don’t have to pay a cable channel to air. Today, do-it-yourself YouTube sensations with homespun video content are getting as many views as the Super Bowl halftime show–and reaping financial rewards.
On your website, video allows you to present your brand story in easy to digest sound bites. It helps simplify complex benefits and product offerings without forcing viewers to commit to reading pages of content. Implementing video for your brand is easier than you might think. It helps to have a professional team to shoot and edit to make sure that your video is as polished as any other facet of your company’s marketing.
Want another reason to invest in online video? Search Engine Optimization: the secret recipe that search engines, like Google, use to determine how important your website is and where you should be listed in search results. Like social media presence, online video is another powerful and growing factor search engines use to determine your online gravitas.
Check out this recent online video by Big Idea.