Why right now is the best time to upgrade your digital marketing strategy

If you’re wondering “What is the right strategy for me?” Here are some thoughts that may help.

In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis if you’re wondering “What is the right strategy for me?” Here are some thoughts that may help.


Why right now is the best time to upgrade your digital marketing strategy

Steve Defontes, President, Big Idea Advertising

There’s no question, the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy. The fallout for businesses, organizations and workers is still uncertain. Many question whether all of their advertising and marketing efforts should be paused or how to move forward. If you’re wondering “What is the right strategy for me?” Here are some thoughts that may help.

While nothing of this magnitude has impacted the world in most of our lifetimes, crises, both minor and major, impact businesses often. A minor crisis like a legal issue within an organization can affect a company’s reputation or sales. A much larger crisis, like a natural disaster, can impact an entire country or economy.

In our experience, organizations that maintain or expand communication and marketing efforts are often better equipped to bounce back and improve their trajectory post-crisis. One such client suffered a devastating hurricane, destroying homes and businesses and taking a serious toll on tourism. By investing in marketing during the reconstruction they saw a massive return to business as soon as they reopened. Within 12 months their results were record-breaking, exceeding their pre-crisis best figures by more than 20%. Their marketing investment took them from devastation to growth, providing stability for many industries, businesses and communities.

Due to the pandemic people around the world are isolated and are spending increasing time on their devices. Digital and social media will be more effective than ever at reaching people where they are.

Our advice:

1. Create a plan.

If you don’t have an effective digital marketing strategy in place, you can use this time to build a program. Start communicating with your audience even if it is just one ad or one social post. As the crisis subsides, you’ll be prepared to increase your communications and grow.

2. Invest in Digital.

Digital channels are very cost effective, even a small attribution to boost your content can increase its visibility and allow you to target only those who are most interested. There’s no point in creating content that no one sees. Economics are challenging in a crisis but smart marketers know they have to invest some money.

3. Be sensitive to the needs of the crisis.

During the Covid-19 crisis, we’ve become more critical of the tone of voice and images we use. Photos of handshakes or people who are not social distancing may not be the right fit and judgment and review are required. Consider what you can do for your audience, not what they can do for you.

4. Be Authentic.

Despite being in the midst of a crisis people have not stopped being human. They need to laugh, to be entertained, to shop, to learn new things, and to collaborate and share joy with others. If your brand can contribute in an authentic and meaningful way, your content will find an audience.


Even now, digital and social marketing allow you to reach audiences, create brand awareness and when possible, generate sales. Digital channels may be key to keeping businesses that can operate afloat throughout the crisis and employees off the unemployment rolls. Lack of competition may make digital and social media even more affordable and businesses that use these channels effectively are likely to recover more quickly from this crisis.

For more information or advice on your digital marketing program contact us at hello@bigideaadv.com.

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